1980 Chatham Parkway
Suite 403


1219 Merchant Way
Suite 102


3344 Peachtree Road NE
Suite 800

Estate Planning & Probate Section Breakfast

Nov 2, 2023Elder Law

J.L. Williamson Law Group & Atlanta Bar Association is excited to announce that Jeffrey Williamson, Esq. will be the guest speaker at this year’s Estate Planning & Probate Section Breakfast. The topic that will be discussed during this event is Rev. Rul. 2023-2 and its impact on complete and incomplete gifts. Registration is required for the breakfast event on Thursday, November 9, 2023, from 7:30 – 9:00 a.m. at Buckhead Club.
Tax Scams and How You Can Deal with Them

Tax Scams and How You Can Deal with Them

Tax scams can target anyone, regardless of their financial situation. More and more people fall for scams of every kind every day, giving bad actors access to their personal and financial information. Therefore, it is essential to know what to look out for.

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JLW Law Group

About the Author

Jeffrey L. Williamson | Founder

Jeffrey L. Williamson is the founder of J. L. Williamson Law Group, LLC. The Firm specializes in asset protection, elder law, tax planning, and tax controversy.